Polished concrete flooring systems are taking the construction world by storm with RevitaFloor360 proving to be the answer for real estate and industrial units.

10 January, 2024

In the ever-changing world of construction and real estate, trends and new aesthetics come and go, but some innovations leave a lasting mark on the industry. One such innovation that’s been steadily gaining more popularity in recent years is that of polished concrete flooring systems. These systems are revolutionising the way we think about floors in both industrial and commercial settings. We wanted to explore the reasons behind their rising popularity and look at RevitaFloor360, a polished concrete flooring system that stands out as the ultimate choice for large-scale real estate, warehouse, and dilapidation projects.

Polished concrete floors have come a long way from their early uses as industrial surfaces. They were chosen for their durability and the low maintenance efforts that were needed to look after the flooring. This is particularly crucial in commercial and industrial settings.

What are some of the main benefits of using polished concrete flooring?


Polished concrete floors are incredibly durable, which makes them a great choice for many commercial and industrial settings. These floors can withstand heavy traffic, heavy impact and even abrasion across the floor surface. They also keep their sheen and clean look over time.

Low Maintenance

Maintaining polished concrete floors is relatively easy if you compare it to other flooring options. There is no need for expensive coatings or treatments, and they don’t need to be cleaned using professional equipment. In most cases, a simple sweep and a mop is enough to keep them hygienic and looking as good as new.

Aesthetic Appeal

One of the reasons behind the increase in popularity of polished concrete flooring systems is how aesthetically pleasing they are. There are lots of different finishes and colours that can be chosen, and they can be designed to complement almost every design style. This includes modern minimalist styles as well as industrial and commercial aesthetics.

Environmentally Friendly

Polished concrete is an eco-friendly choice, which means it not only looks good but is not as damaging to the environment as some other flooring choices.


In the long run, polished concrete can be more cost-effective than many other flooring choices. This is due to the fact that it has enhanced longevity and low maintenance requirements. These present a significant cost saving over time.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Carpet and some other flooring materials can trap dust and allergens, which can then lead to poor air quality within a building. It can also present significant issues for those with airborne allergies and issues such as asthma. Polished concrete doesn’t trap these particles within its material. Therefore, this makes it the perfect option for commercial and industrial buildings and among the options that are available for a polished concrete flooring system, there is one that stands out as a leader – RevitaFloor360.

Whilst polished concrete flooring offers all of the benefits mentioned above, not all of the flooring is created equally. RevitaFloor360 is leading the way when it comes to looking for a complete solution for real estate and industrial buildings. It is beginning to set the flooring standard for both quality and performance in these particular areas. Some of the reasons that this type of flooring is quickly becoming the gold standard are:

Innovative Technology

RevitaFloor360 incorporates the latest cutting-edge technology and techniques that allow the technicians to achieve the highest level of durability and polish in the flooring. There are a number of stages involved in the installation process, such as grinding and polishing. This results in an almost mirror-like finish that is aesthetically stunning and also incredibly resistant to damage, wear and tear.


No two flooring needs are the same. Polished concrete offers a large range of customisation options that span across the finish, colour and sheen of the flooring. It is possible to achieve a high gloss finish or something that is more matte in its look. The options for the final look of the flooring are almost endless.


The investment that is made in this type of flooring pays off in the long run. The floors are built to last and this helps to ensure that you are seeing a return on your investment in as short a time frame as possible. It also means that the flooring will help you to retain the appeal in your property in the future.

Low Maintenance

Just like other polished concrete floors, RevitaFloor360 is exceptionally low maintenance. This means that it is less labour-intensive to look after and has much lower upkeep costs.


This flooring type retains the same eco-friendly aspects of other concrete flooring options which means that it also helps to reduce the impact of flooring manufacture and use on the environment.


RevitaFloor360 is suitable for any large-scale real estate/industrial projects. It is important that this kind of flooring is installed by skilled professionals as achieving the perfect polished concrete floor requires skill and expertise to ensure that the flooring is installed correctly and endures for many years to come. There are lots of considerations to take into account when choosing a flooring installer, but one of these should be their knowledge and skills in these new and upcoming flooring styles.

Polished concrete flooring is becoming the go-to in the construction industry. The durability, low maintenance, aesthetic appeal, and eco-friendliness of this style of flooring has made it a top choice for real estate, industrial and commercial settings. Amongst polished concrete flooring systems, RevitaFloor360 stands out as the ultimate solution, combining innovation, customisation, longevity, and sustainability to create a flooring option that is rivalled by no other.

View our case studies

Here is a selection of projects that we have completed in a number of different industry sectors. They demonstrate the expertise and professionalism that we bring to find a solution to each challenge.